
Thank you for visiting my shop and supporting my small business, I truly appreciate it. I am a one woman show, so it's just me, myself and I running the business.  Please allow minimum 10 business days to complete fulfillment, I will try to ship orders sooner if possible.

Shop by Color

203 of 203 Items
  • Poinsettia
    $7.00 - $10.50

    "Poinsettia" is a beautiful glittery dip perfect for the holidays!  It’s a combination of…

  • Milky White
    $7.00 - $10.50

    Milky White is a beautiful semi translucent white dip.  It's perfect for a "milk Bath" nail des…

  • Blushing Bride
Adrada Dip Powder
    $7.00 - $10.50

    Beautiful solid nude with a pink undertone, very subtle and delicate shade. The consistency is very …

203 of 203 Items